The chart below shows data that could be analyzed using a 1-factor ANOVA. Where y i is the value observed for the dependent variable for observation i, k (i,j) is the index of the category (or level) of factor j for observation i and ε iis the error of the model. If p is the number of factors, the anova model is written as follows: Not sure whether ANOVA is adapted to your data? Check out our guide to choose the right modeling tool according to your situation. In anova, explanatory variables are often called factors. The main difference comes from the nature of the explanatory variables: instead of quantitative, here they are qualitative. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a tool used to partition the observed variance in a particular variable into components attributable to different sources of variation.Īnalysis of variance (ANOVA) uses the same conceptual framework as linear regression.